Veterans Day: A Day of Gratitude for Past and Present Service


Veterans Day is a time-honored tradition in which we come together as a nation to pay tribute to those who have served in the armed forces. It's a day of reflection, gratitude, and remembrance. While we rightfully honor the sacrifices made by veterans during their military service, it's also essential to recognize that their commitment to service often extends far beyond their time in uniform. In this blog post, we salute the veterans, including our very own Dr. Joann Stettler, who continue to serve their communities and their country in inspiring ways.

Continued Service at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine: Dr. Joann Stettler's Journey

One such humble servant is Dr. Joann Stettler, who not only served in the USAF but also dedicates her time to help educate future dental professionals. Dr. Stettler is a Clinical Associate at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, where she mentors and assists 3rd and 4th-year dental students as they work on patients. Many of her patients, who are veterans themselves, especially appreciate the trust and sense of familiarity that come from receiving dental care from a fellow veteran.

Beyond the Uniform: Veterans Making a Difference

Veterans like Dr. Stettler remind us that service doesn't end when the uniform is hung up. Many veterans channel their skills, discipline, and sense of duty into professions that benefit their communities and the nation as a whole. Whether it's in healthcare, education, public service, or countless other fields, veterans continue to make a positive impact long after their military service concludes.

A Call to Gratitude and Recognition

On Veterans Day, it's crucial to extend our gratitude not only to those who served but also to those who continue to serve in various capacities. These individuals embody the spirit of service, and their contributions should be celebrated. Let us take this day to recognize the veterans in our communities, like Dr. Stettler, who inspire us with their ongoing commitment to making the world a better place.


As we come together to mark Veterans Day, let's remember that it's not just a day of historical reflection but also a day to honor those who carry the torch of service into the present and future. Dr. Joann Stettler and veterans like her remind us that the dedication to serving others never truly ends. It's a legacy that continues to enrich our communities and our nation, and for that, we offer our deepest gratitude.